Ticket Instructions for Angels &
Season Pass Holders
Here you'll find the instructions for reserving your seats online. Make sure to locate your "special price code" before you begin. If you received a ticket order mailing, this code is located above your name.
Also, remember that your code is only viable for the dates indicated for Angels and Seasons Pass Holders.
Don't have a Season Pass?
Purchasing a season pass is the best way to support us at Stage 212! Angels and Season Pass Holders get multiple benefits, including priority seating for our main season, early purchase access for our off season productions and events, and an overall discounted ticket rate for our main season productions.
Instructions for Making Online Reservations
Please see the instruction below for making your online reservations. If you are having any difficulties, please contact our box office and we'll be happy to assist you.
DO NOT use your credit card for seats if your season pass should cover the entire reservation.
Per our return policy, we cannot refund any purchases.
Enter your email address, this must match the email provided when you purchased your season pass. Click "Search"

The rest of your information will auto-fill. Verify and click "Continue to list of shows"

Click "Purchase" for the event you'd like...

...followed by the date, and time you wish to reserve seats for.

Choose your seats, including any extra seats you are purchasing. Click "Continue"

A new screen will pop up. Verify your selections, then click "Continue" and scroll down. You will notice that the seats are currently all listed at full price. Find the field titled "Special price code."

Enter your code here and then click "Apply special price code" and a dropdown menu will appear.
Click the menu and choose the $0.00 price for the number of tickets that you have passes for, and select the full price for your additional seats.

You will not be able to reserve your tickets until you change these prices.
If you are purchasing extra tickets, enter your credit card information. DO NOT use your credit card for seats if your season pass should cover the entire reservation. Per our return policy, we cannot refund any purchases.

Under Terms and Conditions click the box to accept.

Lastly, click on "Click here to pay $____." The amount shown will be different per purchase, but if you're only reserving your season tickets the amount should be $0.00.
You should receive a confirmation email after you complete the transaction, this is how you will know that your order went through.
If you are having any difficulties, please contact our box office and we'll be happy to assist you.
Again, DO NOT use your credit card for seats if your season pass should cover the entire reservation.
Per our return policy, we cannot refund any purchases.
All event tickets are non-refundable, we do not provide exchanges or refunds if you are unable to attend a performance.
If a season pass holder would like to change a reservation they've made for a particular performance, they may do so but only for an earlier performance date and pending availability. It is required to contact us directly at the Box Office if an Angel or Season Pass Holder would like to make an exchange.